Our central storage servers (Tier1: SSD based and Tier2: HD bases) need to updated, as the current storage software has reached its end-of-life (EOF) and therefore does not receive any updates or bug fixes. This means, to major bugs ([1] and [2]) are not getting fixes.
As this update consists of a version jump, this update needs to be done off-line. The following services will be interrupted between Saturday evening, the 4th of March 2017 from 22:00 (UTC+1/CET) until Sunday morning, the 5th of March 2017 at 06:00 (UTC+1/CET):
- stoney cloud: All four-digit KVM-based virtual machines: kvm-0001 until kvm-9999.
- stoney storage: All instances.
- stoney backup: All backups accounts, with account IDs starting with the number 4.
- stoney web: All web hostings and project wikis, installed since the 1st of November 2016.
You'll receive the next communication from our side as follow:
- Friday, the 3rd of March 2017 (a day before the maintenance window)
- Saturday, the 4th of March 2017 (Start of the maintenance window)
- Sunday, the 5th of March 2017 (End of the maintenance window)