
Alfresco for couniq consulting GmbH

Replacement of the NAS infrastructure by Alfresco for couniq consulting GmbH. Internal process support through workflows and microsoft office share point protokoll.

The Alfresco is operating within a Gentoo Linux based virtual maschine on the stoney cloud.

Set up and operating of web applications based on the Django Web Framework

Jung von Matt/next designs, creates and implements successful digital brand experiences. Communications experts work on concepts for today and solutions for tomorrow for both national and international clients.

Design and operation of software stacks with web and application server as well as data bank for hosting of web applications based on the Django Web Framework within a Gentoo Linux based virtual machine on the stoney cloud.

Design Zabbix based monitoring solutions for the nuclear power plant "Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG"

Design of a standardised monitoring solution based on Zabbix with in a SLES 11 SP3 based virtual machine with MySQL as data bank for the nuclear power plant "Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG".

Following monitoring functionalities are implemented in the first phase:

  • Linux Server: monitoring, network, CPU, memory, process etc.
  • Oracle DB: tablespace, query time, etc.
  • MS SQL: tablespace, query time, etc.
  • FTP services on Windows server 2008: FTP service Cisco network components: Ping, SNMP traps, etc.

Anonymous Git mirror for the KDE Community

KDE is a modern graphical workspace for Unix Computer and open software. They combine easy handling, comprehensive functionalities and outstanding graphical design with the technical advantages of Unix.

«We use Mason to host an anonymous Git mirror - which can be used by anyone to access KDE's git repositories in a read-only fashion.» Ben Cooksley, KDE Sysadmin

The Mason based anonymous Git mirror operates within a Debian Linux based virtual machine on the stoney cloud

Debian and stoney cloud for scout troop Patria Bern

The Bernese scout troop Patria and its members are reliant on the flexibility of stoney cloud. This how can be reacted to requirements of the techniques.

The Patria a youth organisation in Bern emphasises local hosting. All data is safe stored and constantly available through internet.


Congratulations to the successful completion of the apprenticeship!

· Written by Tatiana Eichenberger

Our Way-up apprentices Abisan Sinnathurai and Nenad Puranovic have successfully completed their apprenticeship as computer scientist EFZ in platform...

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On 26th of June 2024, the detailed results of the triennial open source survey were presented in Zurich.

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On Friday 14th June 2024, stepping stone AG celebrated with its customers, partners, friends, family and the usual fools its 20th anniversary at the...

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Welcome Ranothan Ravichandran!

· Written by Tatiana Eichenberger

From 1st of June 2024, Ranothan Ravichandran joins the team of stepping stone AG.

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Senior System Engineer wanted!

· Written by Tatiana Eichenberger

Are you interested in an exciting position in the field of cloud computing? Do the topics of OpenStack, Kubernetes, Puppet and CI/CD appeal to you?...

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