
stepping stone Ltd is a member of several business and user associations.

CH Open - Swiss Open Systems User Group

The CH Open is an organization that aims to promote open systems, like GNU Linux and other Open Source applications, in the Swiss marketplace. It's activities centre around the continuing education of it's members.

Swiss Internet Exchange

The Swiss Internet Exchange is a non-profit organisation and operates a distributed Peering-Platform for small and medium sized Internet-Providers within Switzerland. This reduces the length of the Internet connections, and therefore, among other things, reduces the load time of web pages and the send time for e-mails.

Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination

The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is an independent, not-for-profit membership organisation that supports the infrastructure of the Internet through technical coordination in its service region.As a RIPE Local Internet Registry (LIR) member, stepping stone Ltd runs its own autonomus system (AS48461) and provides IP ressources to its customers.

swiss made software

The «swiss made software» label stands for Swiss values in software development. Launched in 2007, the label now has more than 650 members, which mark their products with «swiss made software». «swiss hosting» was launched additionally in 2020 to indicate that data required to operate a product or service is also stored in Switzerland.

Verein ICT-Berufsbildung Bern

The association ICT-Berufsbildung Bern (ICT Vocational Training Berne) as the responsible organisation of the working world for the ICT sector in the Canton of Berne. The association is active in the promotion of basic and continuing vocational training in the ICT sector in the Canton of Berne, the further development of educational programmes and the creation of instruments and documents which serve vocational training and the exchange of information and experience with all players in vocational training, in particular with teaching companies, vocational schools, companies, cantonal and national authorities, associations and other persons and institutions interested in ICT.


Congratulations to the successful completion of the apprenticeship!

· Written by Tatiana Eichenberger

Our Way-up apprentices Abisan Sinnathurai and Nenad Puranovic have successfully completed their apprenticeship as computer scientist EFZ in platform...

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On 26th of June 2024, the detailed results of the triennial open source survey were presented in Zurich.

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On Friday 14th June 2024, stepping stone AG celebrated with its customers, partners, friends, family and the usual fools its 20th anniversary at the...

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